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Mathematics of Financial Operations25835

Faculty of Economics and Business. Álava Department
Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y en Ingeniería Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups34.5
Applied computer-based groups69

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

In this subject the analysis of capitalization and discount will be carried out. Financial equivalence ratios between capital and financial parameters. Valuation of capital flows. Design and study of capital formation products. Design and study of financing products.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

In class we will work on the transversal competence of teamwork. The evaluation of this transversal competence will be formative and not summative, i.e. it will not be scored for the purposes of the qualification.

It will be worked on a second level of domain: he/she takes initiatives and is active in meetings. Constructive attitude towards the objective to be achieved.

In order to develop the competence, they will have to do different exercises as a group. That is to say, they will be given several exercises to do in a group and then they will have to evaluate the work of their colleagues in the group. At the end of the class they will be handed over to the teacher.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Summary of the syllabus:

1) Fundamentals of Financial Operations.

a. Analysis of capitalization and discount.

b. Financial equivalences between capital and financial parameters.

2º) Study and valuation of capital flows.

3º) Capital formation.

4º) Financing.

a. Loan operations.

b. Issuance of fixed-income securities.

Detailed Syllabus:

First section: Basic

1.General issues

2. Compound Capitalization

3. Simple Capitalization

4. Current compound value and current simple value

5. Financial equivalences

6. Average Values

Second Section: Annuities

7. Introduction to Annuities

8. Constant Annuities

9. Annuities with variable terms

10. Annuities with non anual periodicity

Third Section: Funds

11. Funds where the terms of constitution are constant

12. Funds where the terms of constitution are variable

Fourth Section: Loans

13. Theory of loans

14. Loans with constant payment

15. Loans with variable payment

Fifht Section: Bonds

16. Theory of bonds

17. Normal bonds

18. Commercial bonds

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Mainly the classes will be master classes and different exercises will be carried out in class, correcting on the blackboard.

In class it will be specified when these two practical exercises will be carried out, each one of them will be worth one point.

In group work, students will have to develop group exercises. In addition, they will have to assess the involvement of their peers in the exercises.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 100

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In the continuous evaluation two exercises will be carried out in class during the course that will be worth 2 points in total and the January exam will have a score of 8 points.

The group participation will not be scored, although the student will be assessed if he or she comes out to the blackboard to correct the exercises.

The January exam will have two parts: a first part, "theoretical" without any support whatsoever during the course of the exam; and a second part, "practical", to which a formulae sheet may be brought.

In the January exam, a 4 out of 8 score is asked for in order to add up the points obtained during the course with the scoring exercises.

To pass the course, a minimum of 5 points must be taken between the exercises taken during the course and the January exam.

The student will have the opportunity to choose within the first nine weeks of the course, if he or she continues with the evaluation system explained in the previous section or if he or she decides to participate directly in the final exam with 100% of the course grade (10 points). If this second option is the chosen one, you must inform the teacher in writing before the end of the term. In this case too, a minimum of a 5 is required to pass the course.

Likewise, the student that does not take the january exam will be considered that has chosen to renounce to the call.

The waiver to the continuous assessment must be made in accordance with the official model that appears in the "Exams" section of the website of the section of our Faculty.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The student will be able to decide if he/she chooses to keep the grade obtained with the exercises carried out during the course and to participate, therefore, in the examination equivalent to that of January on 8 points; or to participate directly in the final examination over 10 points.

If someone decides to take the test on 8 points, in order to add up the points obtained with the scoring exercises done during the course , the minimum number of points he will have to score is 4 on the final exam.

In both cases, a minimum of a 5 must be obtained to pass the course.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

To be determined by the teacher in charge of this teaching.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

To be determined by the teacher in charge of this teaching.

In-depth bibliography

To be determined by the teacher in charge of this teaching.


To be determined by the teacher in charge of this teaching.

Web addresses

To be determined by the teacher in charge of this teaching.

GroupsToggle Navigation

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