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Structures of Data and Algorithms26016

Faculty of Economics and Business. Álava Department
Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y en Ingeniería Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups1522.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The subject of Data Structures and Algorithms presents the students with the importance of organizing the data and using the appropriate algorithms for the development and maintenance of the software.

This subject introduces, analyzes and compares the main data structures and known algorithms used in solving real problems. The purpose of the subject is for students to learn: 1) theoretical and practical knowledge about the organization of data and the basic operations about them; and 2) the implications that these have on the efficiency of programs; so that they are able to properly design and organize applications that allow solving real problems.

In the degree, the subject of Data Structures and Algorithms is mainly based on the concepts acquired in the subjects of Basic Programming and Modular Programming and Object Orientation (PMyOO), both studied in the first course. Together with the subjects of Programming Methodology and PMyOO, both courses in the first course, they form the Programming submodule for student training in the design and implementation of computer management applications. This training, at the same time, is the fundamental basis for the subjects: (1) Databases, (2) Software Engineering and (3) Languages, Computing and Intelligent Systems, which will be studied in the second four-month period of the same course and complementary to the subjects of the submodule of Design and Administration of Information Systems (third course): (4) Analysis and Design of Information Systems.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

This subject develops the following competencies of the module common to the field of Informatics:

- M02CM01. Ability to design, develop, select and evaluate applications and computer systems, ensuring their reliability, safety and quality, in accordance with ethical principles and current legislation and regulations.

- M02CM06. Knowledge and application of basic algorithmic procedures of computer technologies to design problem solutions, analyzing the suitability and complexity of the proposed algorithms

- M02CM07. Knowledge, design and efficient use of data types and structures most suited to solving a problem

- M02CM08.Capacidad to analyze, design, build and maintain applications in a robust, safe and efficient way, choosing the most appropriate programming language and paradigm.

The following describes the specific competencies of the subject:

C1. Ability to analyze the efficiency of the algorithms designed.

C2. Knowledge and ability to design and implement the main data structures: lists, piles, tails, trees, graphs and hash tables;

C3. Ability to design and use recursive design on linear and non-linear data structures.

C4. Ability to analyze and use the main algorithms of search, ordering and travel in different data structures.

C5. Ability to select, design and implement new efficient data structures for problem solving.

Alongside the previous competences, cross-cutting teamwork competency will also be addressed.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Topic 1: Algorithm analysis. The cost function. Command functions. Analysis of ordering and search algorithms. Practical exercises.

Topic 2: Linear Data Structures: Lists, Stacks and Tails. Examples of applications with such structures. Efficiency analysis.

Theme 3: Recursive algorithm design Recursive design methodology. Implementation of recursive programs. Practical examples and exercises.

Item 4: Trees. Binary Trees. Binary search trees. Trees B,B+ and B*. Analysis of algorithm efficiency on trees: searches and tours.

Item 5: Graphs. Representation and algorithms of graph paths.

Topic 6: Hash tables. Hash function. Analysis of the efficiency of hash tables. Open and closed tables.

Topic 7: Structures in external memory Organization of files and access methods.

Topic 8: Analysis, Design and Implementation of solutions to solve a problem Design of data structures. Analysis of data structures. Implementation of data structures and methods

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The subjects of the course will be exposed in class and corresponding reading material from the textbook or material expressly determined for that purpose will be indicated. In class sessions, exhibitions of subjects, problem solving and discussions of design alternatives will be systematically held in order to promote direct participation and encourage students' motivation. Generally, collaborative work for a common end will be enhanced.

A set of exercises published in advance in eGela will be implemented in computer laboratories. The meetings require preparatory work on these exercises and the drafting of a report justifying their interpretation.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 60
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 20
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The assessment of the subject in the ORDINARIA call is performed through continuous evaluation or final evaluation. By default, all students will undergo continuous evaluation unless they give up.


The student or student may decide to waive the continuous evaluation to perform the final evaluation. This waiver should be submitted in writing to the faculty responsible for the subject within the time limits stipulated in Article 8 of the regulations on the evaluation of students. Exceptional cases shall not be accepted and continuous assessment shall not be waived after the dates allowed.

To pass the subject, the student must obtain a minimum score of 5 points out of 10.


The default evaluation of the subject will be done through CONTINUOUS evaluation, except for those students who have expressly waived it in the established period.

The final note of the subject is calculated based on the notes of the tests to be carried out during the four-month period, as well as the reports of laboratories and group project to be carried out throughout the course. The exams individually assess the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the course.

Being 100% the maximum grade of the subject, the weights of the different parts in the final note are:

* Exams (individual): 60% of the subject note. It shall be carried out through:

- First part: 10% of the subject note

- Second part: 20% of the subject note

- Final exam: 30% of the subject note. It will consist of a written test where the student will demonstrate the concepts acquired through problem solving.

* Problem-solving reports (group): 20% of the subject note. Reports and implementations of 4 computer laboratories will be evaluated

* Project (group): 20% of the subject note


The student shall be deemed to have submitted to the ORDINARIA call if he/she has carried out the continuous evaluation, i.e. has not given up the call.

In any case, to approve the subject, it is necessary to present to the exam and, in addition, to have performed the laboratories and the proposed group project.

In addition, to approve the subject it will also be necessary for each student to obtain at least:

- 40% of the grade in the weighted average of examinations

- 40% of the note in the average of all problem solving reports

- 50% of the grade in the project to be done in group.

In case of NOT obtaining the minimum qualification required in any of them, it will be considered that the student has suspended the ordinary call of the subject, obtaining as qualification the weighted average score of the individual exams.

In addition, assuming that the student gets the minimum grade in each and every part, the minimum grade that the student must obtain to approve the subject is 5 points out of the total of 10 of the subject. If a lower qualification is obtained, the student will be considered to have suspended the ordinary call for the subject.

Students who do not exceed or are not present in the ordinary call must be examined in an EXTRAORDINARY call in which they will be evaluated in a global examination of the whole subject.


The student or student who has selected the final evaluation is not present in the ORDINARY call will get the final rating "NOT SUBMITTED". Students who follow the continuous evaluation may waive the call in accordance with Article 12 of the regulations on the evaluation of students.


Article 11 of the current rules on the evaluation of pupils shall apply.

Student Assessment Standards: https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/estudiosdegrado-gradukoikasketak/ebaluaziorako-arautegia

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The extraordinary call consists of a global examination of 10 points in which both theoretical knowledge and practical aspects developed during the course are evaluated.

If an in-person evaluation of the subject cannot be carried out, the pertinent changes will be made to make it online using the existing computer tools in the UPV/EHU. The characteristics of this online evaluation will be made public.


To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a minimum score of 5 points out of 10.


In order to waive the right of scrutiny, it is sufficient not to be presented.


Article 11 of the current rules on the evaluation of pupils shall apply.


In the event that an in-person evaluation of the subject cannot be carried out, the pertinent changes will be made to carry out an on-line evaluation using the computer tools existing in the UPV/EHU. The characteristics of this online evaluation will be published in student guides and eGela

Student Assessment Standards: https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/estudiosdegrado-gradukoikasketak/ebaluaziorako-arautegia

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Material available on eGela platform:
1.- Material characteristic of the subject: notes, transparencies, exercise list, laboratory statements, practice statement, etc.
2.- Material that can be incorporated into the page of the subject through the content and teaching manager eGela

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- "Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java" (4th edition). M.A. Weiss. Pearson, 2010

In-depth bibliography

- "Estructuras de datos en Java". M.A. Weiss. Addison-Wesley, 2000
- "Estructuras de datos en Java". Luis Joyanes, Ignacio Zahonero. McGraw-Hill, 2007
- "Estructuras de datos con Java: Diseño de estructuras y algoritmos" (segunda edición). John Lewis y Joseph Chase. Addison Wesley (2006).
- "A practical guide to data structures and algorithms using Java" .Sally Goldman and Kenneth Goldman. Chapman & Hall/CRC (2008).
- "Estructura de datos y algoritmos". Alfred. V. Aho, John. E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey. D. Ullman. Addison-Wesley (1988)
- "Java Generics and Collections". M. Naftalin and P. Wadler. O'Reilly

Web addresses

- JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v 1.4.2 API Specification:
- Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: http://xlinux.nist.gov/dads//
- http://www.eclipse.org/

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