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Faculty of Economics and Business. Álava Department
Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y en Ingeniería Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups1522.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The Databases (DB) subject is the first taught in the degree within the line dedicated to databases.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The basic concepts or competencies that are framed within this BD subject are the following: basic terminology associated with DB; global architecture and specific modules of a Database Management System (DBMS); relational model considering its foundations; the SQL language to perform data definitions, queries and data manipulation; and programming with embedded SQL.

Recommended previous skills:

-Basic programming skills acquired in the Basic Programming subject

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

-Introduction: introduction to database concepts. The terminology of the database area (DB) is presented: DB, DBMS, DBS, catalog, actors, data models, etc. The advantages of DBS over the use of files are described. The 3-level architecture and modules of a Database Management System are presented.

-Relational Model

-SQL Language: the syntax of the Database Definition, Query and Manipulation sublanguages is presented.

-Access to DB through applications

-Views: notion, characteristics and applications

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Master classes (M) will be used mainly for the presentation of the theoretical concepts associated with the subject and the resolution of doubts raised by the students.

In GL classes and in some of the master classes, both individual and group exercises will be carried out to reinforce the concepts presented in the theoretical classes.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 80
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 5
    • Laboratory practices (%): 15

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the subject in the ORDINARY call is carried out either through continuous evaluation or final evaluation. By default, all students will take the continuous evaluation system, unless they resign from it. Students who do not pass or do not appear in the ordinary call may take the exam in an EXTRAORDINARY call in which they will be evaluated in a global exam of the entire subject.


The student may decide to forgo the continuous evaluation to take the final evaluation. This resignation must be presented to the responsible teaching staff within the deadlines stipulated in Article 8 of the regulations on student evaluation (within the first 9 weeks of the term). Exceptional cases or resignations will not be accepted after the dates authorized for this. The final evaluation will consist of a single exam whose weight in the final grade will be 100% of the grade. This exam will evaluate the theoretical knowledge as well as practical aspects developed during the course.


It is the default evaluation form of the subject. It will be considered that the student has taken the ORDINARY call if he or she has completed the continuous evaluation, that is, if he or she has not resigned from it.

The continuous evaluation is composed of:

-Tests associated with continuous assessment (two partial exams): 80%

- 1st partial exam: 40%

- 2nd partial exam: 40%

- Evaluation of written works (collected at specific, non-predetermined times with a fixed date) and evaluation of laboratory practices: 20%

In any case, to pass the subject, it is necessary to take the exams and, in addition, have completed all the requested tasks and laboratory practices. To pass the subject it will also be necessary to obtain, at a minimum:

- 40% of the grade in each of the exams

- 40% of the grade on the average of all laboratories and work carried out

If the minimum required grade is not obtained in any of them, the ordinary call for the subject will be considered to have been suspended. Furthermore, assuming that the student obtains the minimum grade in each and every part, the minimum grade that must be obtained to pass the subject is 5 points out of the total of 10 for the subject. If a lower grade is obtained, the ordinary call for the subject will be considered to have been suspended.

* WAIVER of the right to the exam:

Students enrolled in continuous evaluation will have until week 11 of the term to present to the teaching staff responsible for the subject their wish to appear as "Not Presented" in the ordinary call. The students enrolled in the final evaluation will renounce the ordinary call by not appearing for the final test.


Article 11 of the regulations for the management of undergraduate and first and second cycle education regarding student evaluation will apply. In case of cheating in any evaluation test, all students involved in it will receive a failing grade in the ordinary call.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

La convocatoria extraordinaria consta de un examen sobre 10 puntos en el que se evalúan tanto conocimientos teóricos como aspectos prácticos desarrollados durante el curso.

Para aprobar la asignatura, es necesario obtener una calificación mínima de 5 puntos sobre el total de 10 del examen.

Para renunciar al derecho al examen bastará con no presentarse.


Se aplicará el Artículo 11 de la Normativa de gestión para las enseñanzas de grado y de primer y segundo ciclo vigente referente a la evaluación del alumnado.


No se guarda la nota de la evaluación obtenida en la convocatoria ordinaria.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Material available in the eGela for the subject

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Fundamentos de Sistemas de Bases de Datos. Ramez Elmasri y Shamkant B. Navathe. Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 2007.

Fundamentos de Bases de Datos. Henry Korth, Abraham Silberschatz y S. Sudarshan. Mc.Graw-Hill, 2002.

In-depth bibliography

26 dominios con ejercicios de SQL. 270 Consultas de SQL de nivel avanzado. Tomás A. Pérez Fernández y Arantza Irastorza Goñi. Editorial Académica Española, 2012.

Sistemas de Bases de Datos. Un enfoque práctico para Diseño, Implementación y Gestión. Thomas Connolly y Carolin Begg. Addison Wesley, 2005.

Introducción a los Sistemas de Bases de Datos. C.J. Date. Prentice-Hall, 2001.

Web addresses

MySQL website: http://www.mysql.org

RelaX relational algebra calculator: https://dbis-uibk.github.io/relax/landing

JDBC documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/basics/index.html

MySQL documentation: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/

GroupsToggle Navigation

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