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Final Year Project26042

Faculty of Economics and Business. Álava Department
Doble Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y en Ingeniería Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits
Para poder matricularse del Trabajo Fin de Grado (IIGSI) debe tener superados todos los créditos de la titulación.

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The Final Degree Project (FDP) is an original exercise, to be carried out individually and presented and defended before a university tribunal, consisting of a project in the field of specific computer engineering technologies of a professional nature in which the competences acquired in the courses are synthesized and integrated.

The work must be original and will always be developed under the supervision of a director, whose function will be to define the objectives to be achieved, guide its development and monitor it.

The FDP is located in the first quarter of the 5th course of the degree. It is the last subject that must be evaluated in order to obtain the degree, and it cannot be publicly defended or evaluated if the credits corresponding to the rest of the subjects of the degree have not been passed.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

1. Original exercise to be carried out individually and to present and defend before a university tribunal, consisting of a project in the field of Information Systems of Computer Engineering in which the competences acquired in the courses are synthesized and integrated.

2. Research, analyze, synthesize and organize information and data.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

There are 3 procedures established for the assignment of FDP:

-The faculty, throughout the course, will make a proposal of topics to develop the FDP. This proposal will be made through the GAUR application and no student will be assigned to it. Those students interested in carrying out the FDP will select one of the proposed FDPs and after contacting the lecturer responsible for it, the corresponding students will be assigned in GAUR. This assignment will be made after a meeting between the lecturer and the student in order to, by mutual agreement, confirm the assignment of the FDP.

-In those cases in which the topic of the FDP is previously agreed between the lecturer and the student, a recording of the proposal will be made in GAUR, including from the beginning: title of the FDP, director and the student assigned to such work.

-In cases where the FDP is proposed by companies or other institutions that have an agreement with the school, the Assistant Director of Business Relations will assign a director to the work and the director will include the proposal in the GAUR application for the subsequent selection of students.

According to article 4, section 3 of the Regulations on the preparation and defence of final degree projects at the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, approved by the Governing Council on 14 December 2023 and published in the BOPV of 10/4/2024, all final degree projects will include a reflection on the work carried out in the light of democratic principles and values and the Sustainable Development Goals. This reflection will analyse the degree of connection of the dissertation with these values and the framework of the SDGs, and/or present a critical view of them.

The reflection will consist of at least 200 words incorporated as a specific section within the text of the dissertation. In addition to the normative references cited in RD 822/2021, the EHUagenda 2030 may be used as a specific reference framework for our university.

In addition, the student will provide the SDGs of reference of the work through the systems articulated by the university or the centre.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The FDP is a subject that consists of an autonomous and individual work directed by a director. The director will hold a series of meetings with the student in order to establish the objectives, the work plan and methodology, as well as to monitor the progress of the activity developed, assisting in making decisions to achieve the objectives.

Once the director considers the work completed, the student may apply for the defense through the procedure stablished in GAUR.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Oral defense (%): 75
    • Written work (director's evaluation) (%): 25

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Enrollment will entitle the student to two official convocations in each academic year in accordance with the academic calendar approved by the Governing Council. Students who have not defended or have failed the FDP in the established calls for the course must re-enroll in the following academic year.

Students will specify the language in which they wish to prepare and defend their FDP, among those that have been used in the teaching of the Degree.

The FDP may be defended throughout the academic year, according to the academic calendar, approved by the School Board.

The student will have a total of 6 calls for the public presentation and defense of the FDP.

The evaluation and subsequent grading of the FDP will be based on the evaluation of the director and the tribunal after the student's defense, taking into account that 25% of the total grade corresponds to the evaluation of the director and the remaining 75% to the evaluation made by the tribunal. For the realization of both evaluations, the director and the tribunal have 2 rubrics approved by the School Board and published on the web page of the School.

The defense session will be public unless a confidentiality commitment has been authorized in the assignment document. During the defense, the three members of the FDP evaluation panel must be present.

Each student will have a maximum time for the defense that will be established by the director of the FDP and in which he/she must explain the objectives, methodology, content and conclusions of the FDP, answering questions, clarifications, comments and suggestions that may be raised by the members of the tribunal.

The minutes corresponding to the FDP must be signed by all the members of the examining committee.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The procedure will be the same at every call.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Proiektuaren arabera.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Depending on the Project.

In-depth bibliography

Depending on the Project.


Depending on the Project.

Web addresses